Thursday, January 21, 2010

“Principles For A Healthy Christian Marriage”

A healthy Christian marriage is not easy to obtain. It is something that will take a committed effort on both spouses. A lot of times we think marriage will be easy because falling in love seemed easy. The truth is keeping your Christian marriage strong will take a on going effort. The great news is building a healthy marriage is not all that difficult, it just takes discipline and commitment.

The first principle in building a strong marriage is limit the amount of times you argue. I know that sounds easier said then done but it is true, don’t argue unless you absolutely have too. Most spouses argue because they want to get there point across. The problem is, you will make your point and loose you spouse. Proverbs 25:24 says “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife”. Quarrelsome means: To argue/disagree in an aggressive, angry way. When a woman likes to argue it sends the mans heart to the roof but his body will physically be with you. It’s nothing worst then having your man in the house but his heart be elsewhere. Instead of using energy to argue, use that same energy to have a conversation. Communication is a absolute must in a successful marriage.

The second principle is praying together. My wife and I usually pick the mornings as a good time to pray together. Have you ever heard the cliché “A family that prays together stays together”? My wife and I have found that to be true. Colossians 4:2 says “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful”. How is it that as Christian we find time to pray with everyone else except the person that we wake up with every morning? Lets stop making excuses and get on a prayer schedule with our spouses.

The third principle is set aside time each day, or at least once a week, to read the Bible together. Reading and discussing the Word is a great way to bring a marriage closer. I think my wife and I talk at least once a day about the Word. Sometimes she just wants to get my understanding of a scripture and sometimes I need to get hers. It’s truly an awesome way to grow together in God.

The forth and last principle is to Continue Dating. This is a very key principle in keeping the marriage healthy. This is important because as Christians its easy neglect the area of romance in the relationship due to church. YEAH I SAID IT, due to church! You can’t be so involved in church that your marriage suffers. Any good pastor will tell you to make sure home is taken care of first. My wife and I spend time together on a consistent basis. This may not always include going out on dates. Sometimes we will sit at home and just watch TV together. We like to call it “Date Night”. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I believe I have a great Christian marriage and that is because my wife and I follow these principles.

Maybe your marriage is not where it should be; perhaps it is even headed for divorce. I encourage you to try these steps before making any final decision concerning your marriage. We serve a God that can fix ANYTHING. One of the biggest mistakes most people make in the midst of a marital crisis is to wait too long. Don’t wait another second to work on your marriage; God is saying work on it today. I leave you with a famous scripture found in Mark 10:9 “Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate".

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